
Thursday, January 11, 2007

Recovery (Not Data Recovery)

Monday we were hit by a car (more a truck) and I have spent the last few days getting over the ‘injuries’. Mostly just a sore neck now, but I had sore knees at the time.

Our Car:
The car that his us:
And because we were hit so hard, the car we ran into:

Not the way I had envisaged ending a game of minigolf, but what am I to do. The rest of the family is ok: mum is a bit shaken and coming to a stop a lights will not be an easy thing to do for a while.

I guess I better describe a little of what happened. We were driving down Cantebury road, 5 minutes from home, when we slowed to a stop a fair distance from the lights. There was either an accident up ahead or a truck doing a slow U turn that had cause the traffic to build up. Once we came to a stop, we heard a load screeching coming from behind us. The next thing I know we were slammed forward. I don’t know how long it was before we crashed into the car in front but dad pulled hard left to get out of the traffic. We hit the car in front of us about half a meter from the driver side of the car: we almost missed it. The guy driver the F100 that hit us was an elderly gentleman, that I guess was not quite paying attention and didn’t slow down.

I was hoping to look at setting up my server for CVS that evening and formatting my computer yesterday or today. What I have managed to do is just sit relax and do some stretching. I still need to format my laptop so that it is nice and fresh for when I go back to work on Monday :(

-= Comments
1. Andrew B Coathup | January 11th, 2007 at 10:33 pm
Glad you are all ok. Though you should keep an eye on the whiplash.

You must have been hit pretty hard as F100’s don’t tend to dent easy.

What is the etiquette on displaying someone’s car registration on the internet? I am juggling it in my mind. Still undecided. There isn’t a publicly accessible database that I know of for looking up owners details based on registration.

2. pimaster | January 12th, 2007 at 12:16 pm
I thought about it at the time and I wasn’t very concerned. I have now fixed it up.

3. Matthew Delves | January 12th, 2007 at 5:18 pm
Good to hear you are okay. I would suggest doing a Murcotts ( ) defensive driving course which is always good. Though would be more applicable to the elderly gentlemen rather than you (or any member of your family). Hope you recovery is swift and you get back on the road quickly.

4. Clinton | January 15th, 2007 at 10:07 am
Yikes - that’s some major energy. Nobody wins when cars start acting like dodge-em’ cars… :( It’s good to hear you and your family are okay - may you never have to blog on this topic again!

5. Joshua Hayes | January 24th, 2007 at 8:56 pm
Being in a car accident is never nice. I remember when my brother got T-boned by a Grey 4-wheel drive at about 90km/h that ran a red light. It wasn’t pretty. The passenger side of the car was pressed into about where your hand break is. The windows imploded, and the windscreen was cracked just about cracked in half. Luckily enough he only came out of it a bit shaken up and a few scratches and bruises.

I’m glad nobody in your family was injured. Oh yeah and Matt I agree, the old man should go for some driving courses :)

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