
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

If a code monkey goes on holidays…

...but doesn't upload any shots: Does anybody know about it?
Well very few, but the worst bit is I can't show it off.

Back near the start of August, my brother and I took our patrols over to Tasmania for a quick whip around. Goals were:
1. Cadbury factory tour
2. Drive in some snow
3. See an old Huon pine tree
So here is us on the first day at some lighthouse.

Stopped off at some falls.

Some more falls

A small snow fight

Spotting a rainbow

Crossing a lake

And on Mt Wellington where it snowed for all of about 30 seconds

Is was just 4 full days in Tasmania, but worthwhile. Some say “what a waste” bringing two cars but it meant all 4 of us got a front seat and if anything went wrong, the other car could probably do some towing. The only thing that bothered me is that you can’t drive and take photos (Mum still needs to pick up on the finer details of the camera).

When we got home we got some tickets to some races that I went to but caught a cold from. So I haven’t had the energy to put these pics up previously.

So we seen the Huon pine, We got to play in the snow. But the Cadbury factory was shut on the weekend, which is when we pulling into Hobart.

-= Comments from previous blog instance

1. Emma  |  August 24th, 2008 at 12:14 am
Those pics are beautiful honey

2. Emma  |  August 24th, 2008 at 12:17 am
wish i could have gone with you actually

3. RuF! RuF! RuF!  |  October 2nd, 2008 at 2:16 pm
FUCK DUDE the waterfall ones ARE AWESOME you should blow them up (wall sized) and make some kick ass prints : )

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Dynamic instanceof?

Just came across an interesting line that I thought was worth sharing.
public static boolean isInterfaceOf (Object o, Class interfac) {
return interfac.isAssignableFrom(o.getClass());

Now java obviously has a instanceof keyword that allows you to do this, shorter to type and more recognisable.
The project I’m having a peek at (Archimedes an open source CAD program) only has one use for this where instanceof couldn’t work.
It hides the collection of objects and you can get all of the objects of a certain type. You could get around this by exposing the collection.

Just thought that this method actually makes the coding longer than what it actually does.