So the time has come when it no longer makes sense for me to keep some of my books.
Their age makes me wonder if anyone else could actually use them but I'd hate to just throw them out without trying.
Core Java 2 Fundamentals (Volume 1) (1999)
Guide to Linux Installation and Administration (2003)
Information Systems Development (2003)
Creating Web Pages with HTML and Dynamic HTML (2003)
C++ for Java Programmers (2000)
Simply SQL (2008)
Business Data Communications (2003)
Problem Solving and Program Design in C (1996)
Java. An Introduction to Computer Science& Programming (2001)
Structured Cobol Programming (1994)
Programming with Visual Basic 6.0 (1999)
These are all offered at the one low price of .... nothing. I just want to see them used. Leave comment or contact me the best way you know how if you are interested in any of them.
I'd also be interested to hear what I can do with these books if I can't get rid of them. Is there any value dropping them off to the Salvo's or are they closer to junk?
Are they the sort of thing to donate to a library or are they too old?