
Monday, March 19, 2007

Secret Projects and Tight Timelines

Probably something I should put in two posts. Since I haven’t had the time to update this clog though, if I don’t write them, one of them may get missed.

Currently working on a project that is not allowed to leave the confines of the office. I have usually been able to generalise the problem when I’ve pasted code before, but this time it would seem like I could give something away. I shouldn’t find any "interesting" code examples anyway since I only have time to work on my parts and my parts should contain no flaws :).

The next issue is the looming pressure of a very hard release date on the project that didn’t have the right amount of time to get it done in the first place. Everyone that works in IT knows that this is just a huge red alarm, attached to a bomb that is waiting to go off.

To me it is just a challenge that may be possible to meet. My current problem is that I’m the only one that wants to try to impress the customer. It would seem that everyone else is just coding at a standard pace. They know that the original timeline is a shocker and that is not their problem.

I was able to get a little bit of time into the challenge that mark pointed out but only got the layout right. My creativity this weekend was 0.

-= Comments
1. Jonathan | March 19th, 2007 at 10:52 am
Well, just remember that all bombs get stopped one second before they explode. And then he gets the girl.

You might not get the girl, or even the bomb, but good luck anyway.

On review, this sounds very much like a horoscope. Vague, meaningless, but can be applied to every possible situation.